Free Earth Day (everyday) coloring pages
These were created by Spirit Lake Dakota artist Marlena Myles to celebrate Uŋčí Makhá (Grandmother Earth). You are free to download for personal/classroom use only.
These were created by Spirit Lake Dakota artist Marlena Myles to celebrate Uŋčí Makhá (Grandmother Earth). You are free to download for personal/classroom use only.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Honor our Mother Earth coloring pages. My grandchildren (14 & 17) still enjoy coloring and learning new words.
Thank you for these! We have been building our cultural resources library at the Browns Valley Public School which is a MN school located right along the border of the Lake Traverse Reservation and the SD border. These will be added and used! Much appreciated!!
Pidamaya ye for the wonderful dakota pages.
Thank you so much! My students are delighted that a Dakota language speaker made these coloring pages! We will send along a formal thank you. This is so generous of you.